Golden Gate Bird Alliance First Friday Birdwalk Dawn Chorus Edition! Big Leaf Picnic Area, Tilden

05/03/2024 05:30 AM - 08:30 AM PT


Trip Leader: Alan Kaplan:
Date: Friday, May 3
Special meeting place and special time!
No regular Tilden First Friday walk today.
Meet at the foot of Canon Drive (go to the right a short distance) at the Big Leaf Picnic Area parking lot (next to the stone restroom) at 5:30 am. We will take a walk to a nearby meadow and then into Tilden Nature Area through the road to Blue Gum Gate.

Soon it will be International Dawn Chorus Sunday and we will get a head start with our annual Dawn Chorus Birdwalk on Friday, May 3rd.
Dawn Chorus: What are the birds saying and who are they saying it to?
Trip Size: 20 participants max
Directions: Meet at the foot of Canon Drive (go to the right a short distance) at the Big Leaf Picnic Area parking lot (next to the stone restroom).
Google Map
Registration will open at 1 pm on Tuesday, April 16 and it will close at 11pm on Thursday, May 3.

Neon CRM by Neon One