Martin Luther King Jr. Shoreline (Oakland)

06/21/2025 09:30 AM - 12:00 PM PT


Leader Janet Carpinelli at 

Join us to restore shoreline habitat for endangered Ridgway's Rails and other waterfront birds in this lovely, popular Oakland park. Our work sessions always include some time looking for and learning about local bird life!

Bring your water bottle. Wear closed-toe shoes, and weather appropriate clothing including dress in layers with long pants and long sleeved shirt. Bring your own gardening gloves if you like but gloves and tools will also be provided. Restroom on site.

Participants must read and agree to the East Bay Regional Park District's Covid safety guidelines. By registering for this event, you indicate that you agree to the EBRPD guidelines. 

Directions Enter Martin Luther King Jr. Regional Shoreline Park at 81 Swan Way, Oakland, CA 94621. Drive to the  last parking lot at the end of the road. You should see the wooden observation tower and platform. Meet the group there.

Google map 

Neon CRM by Neon One