Capay Valley Ranch Tour
Leader: Thad Mully,
Date: Sun April 13 8am-1 pm
Description: Join us for a bird/wildflower/butterfly walk on a working ranch in the Capay Valley. Tour
oak savannahs and look for ducks, swallows, and other songbirds near the farm pond.
Last year a Tricolored Blackbird colony was present. Hopefully they’ll return! Other
highlights include Lewis’ Woodpeckers, Lark Sparrows, Black-headed Grosbeaks,
Phainopeplas, Western Meadowlarks and Yellow-billed Magpies. Numerous raptor
species have been seen as well including Golden and Bald Eagles, Northern Harriers,
Merlins, Prairie Falcons, and Swainson’s Hawks.
Please bring walking shoes/sticks as appropriate. The walk ranges from flat to
somewhat hilly and is mostly on open ranch roads. Some cowpaths might also be
taken. 2-3 miles of walking should be anticipated. Unfortunately the ranch is not
wheelchair accessible. A light lunch will be provided at the end of the tour.
Trip Size: 12 Participants Max
Trip Fee: $200
Directions: Location to be shared with registered participants. Capay Valley is about 70 miles NNE of the GGBA office, about an hour and a quarter's drive.
This event will open at 1pm on Friday, February 28 and close at 11pm on Thursday, April 11.
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